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TL9000认证以及ISO 9001认证

点击次数:716  发布日期:2012-10-15  【打印此页
TL 9000和Telesource ISO 9001:2008认证

What is the TL 9000 certification? TL 9000认证是什么?

TL 9000 is a quality management system (QMS) designed for the telecommunications industry. TL 9000是一个专为电信行业设计的质量管理体系(QMS)。 It builds on ISO 9001 and was developed by the Quality Excellence for Suppliers of Telecommunications (QuEST) Forum in response to the call and need for telecom-specific requirements and measurements in the global communications industry.它是建立在ISO 9001质量卓越供应商电讯(QUEST)论坛是由在响应政府号召,需要在全球通信行业的电信的具体要求和测量。

ISO Certified 9001:2008 TL 9000 is a two-part quality management system; ISO 9001 provides the base and TL 9000 provides over 90 supplementary requirements specific to telecommunications. TL 9000是由两部分组成的质量管理体系,ISO 9001提供了基础和TL 9000提供超过90补充的具体要求,以电信。 TL 9000 requirements define a set of processes, procedures, and tools that a telecommunication company implements to ensure that customer satisfaction and quality requirements are met or exceeded, thus, providing a platform for continual improvement of company products and services. TL 9000要求的电信公司实现的过程,程序和工具,以确保客户的满意度和质量要求均达到或超过,因此,公司的产品和服务的持续改进提供一个平台,定义了一组。

What does our TL 9000 certification mean for our customers? 为我们的客户我们的TL 9000认证意味着什么?

Being ISO 9001 and TL 9000 certified means we never stray from our motto.作为ISO 9001,TL 9000认证,意味着我们永远不会偏离我们的座右铭。

Telesource is committed to making each experience with us one that assures the customer that they have made the correct choice for their equipment support needs. “Telesource致力于与我们的客户,他们做出了正确的选择,为他们的设备支持需求,确保每个经验。 We accomplish this through our dedication to the continual improvement and evolution of our Quality Management System, and the achievement of customer focused objectives.” 我们做到这一点,我们竭诚为我们的质量管理体系的持续改进和演变,以及以客户为中心的目标实现。“

It means all Telesource remanufactured products are 100% visually and functionally tested before release to the customer.这意味着所有Telesource的再制造产品是100%的视觉和功能测试之前发布的客户。

It means we have established and documented our quality management system to provide a systematic approach and framework toward our primary goal; which is meeting our customer's requirements.这意味着我们已经建立文件化的质量管理体系,以提供一个系统化的方法和框架,向着我们的首要目标是满足客户的需求。 Our QMS is our most valuable tool for continually improving our processes in our quest for increasing levels of customer satisfaction, while adjusting to changes in the market and our customer's needs.我们的质量管理体系是我们最有价值的工具,不断改进我们的工艺水平的不断提高客户满意度,同时适应市场的变化和客户的需求我们的追求。

It means we assume all responsibility for outsourced products or services provided to our customers and that we impose our high standards for quality on our suppliers and supply-chain partners.这意味着我们承担所有责任外包的产品或服务提供给我们的客户和我们施加我们高标准的质量要求我们的供应商和供应链合作伙伴。

It means all Telesource regional facilities employ industry best practices for testing, repair and refurbishment operations.这意味着区域所有Telesource设施采用行业最佳实践,测试,维修和翻新业务。 This includes testing the product under actual operating conditions using our bank of over 100 test systems.这包括测试产品的实际工作条件下使用我们的银行超过100个测试系统。

Bottom line, our TL 9000 and ISO 9001:2008 certification demonstrates our desire to supply quality goods and services that exceed our customer's expectation.底线,我们的TL 9000和ISO 9001:2008认证,证明了我们的愿望,提供优质的产品和服务,不断超越客户的期望。